
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (03):

Evangelical Conquerors of Spirit and History:

There is an attempt from the Evangelical fundamentalist to evangelize people into the occult or cults, but not through understanding and meaning, but instead a warped version of (quasi-esoteric-Christian) control. When they discuss the Christian Church not advancing but in retreat from a world that threatens her – by a front of evil that takes many garbs, predominately by philosophers, psychologists, and psychiatrists that they are all in a conspiracy or part of that evil to push back the Christian Church. One questions what kind of Church they’re talking about because it certainly is not the Catholic Church, considering Protestants broke away from the Church centuries ago. When it happened, they were deemed satanic. Ironically, in our current times, Evangelism (which had its beginnings as Protestant renegades) has the delusion that they were all manifested out of God’s realm (a delusional exclusive viewpoint), and anything outside that viewpoint is satanic, including the Catholic Church.

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