Christianity as a Doomsday Cult:
The Conspiracy-Theory Doomsday: In the early inception of YouTube, I realised how great this platform is for showcasing videos. I took in everything that was UFO-related; it fascinated me to the core. I felt like I was going through a revelation; from an early age, I had always thought aliens were real and had a genuine fondness for mystery. Then, this very convincing Grey Alien Autopsy video seemed to get mainstream play on television around the time X-files were popular. That video reinforced my beliefs, and then another video showcasing the same video of an Alien Autopsy making a case that it was an elaborate hoax. I would then believe aliens weren’t real; this is how powerful media suggestions are fake. Whether the Alien Autopsy was real or not, at that point, it was irrelevant; being brainwashed is far more concerning.
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