
Occultism and the Living World (00):

The Awakening:

Artist Prophets – Terence McKenna; God’s Grace or “Scientist Say”: The shift from the medieval to the Renaissance was about giving up the universal power of the Church and the philosophical allegiance to the Holy Father in Rome. To also set out and fall off the earth and find oneself in the pure existentialism of the universe, with the likes of Bruno showing up and spouting that the universe is infinite, and stars are suns or galaxies. This transition was essentially from dogma to existential secularism. Today, we are on the precipice of going back to an archaic revival, which also means going back to an archaic cosmology that was once deemed factual. The thing that was protested had run its course in today’s scientific certitude and acknowledging the errors in scientism – we are transitioning from scientific certitude to a complete embracing of non-closure (back to maturity).       

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