
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (16):

Flat Earth; Enclosed Creationism; Conspiracy (Theory), Memory and Reason – Part Ten:

Resist the evidence; in Satellization [Restraint and Catharsis]: Continuing on the many subjects discussed in my last post that outline the Hegelian dialectical trap of Left and Right politics. The current social climate is focused on individualism, socialism, postmodernism, and so forth; strangely, it all depends on how one views memory and reason. A conspiracy theory has an inherent implication regarding memory, and that is a habit of distortion. This linear perspective focuses on quantification, leading to extreme views relegated within its polarities. The choices of good and evil between light and dark tend to leave out ethics as it becomes a fairy-tale version of memory. To view history through heroes, clashes, triumphs, and tragedies where blood is spilled – the liberation of freedom upon which the national and the individual are built – is ultimately a product of romanticism. A more precise evaluation that’s missing is a component that slides between restraint and catharsis. Blood being spilled is courage for the cause (good or bad), and restraint is a strength of memory, though it’s forgotten due to the ransom hysteria of blood. And the periodic need to defend that cause.

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