
Occultism and the Living World (04):

The Awakening: 

Magic is Real – Summary of our Magical History: The last teacher of the Mystery Cult was Pythagoras, who introduced the concept of numbers being connected with God. He explained how one becomes two, then two finds its synthesis to become three, and three breaks open to become the 10,000 things. This concept is also found in the I-Ching since in that era, people were trying to understand how to find numbers within everything. Pythagoras was known for his contributions to numerology and for decoding music. He also proposed the idea of a musical sphere where even the heavens themselves played an orchestral piece. This idea aligned with the planets (or moving celestial bodies) that orbit the Sun at harmonic intervals, and how white light breaks into colours at these same harmonic intervals. Sound also follows harmonic sequences; the same mathematics governs the nodes of overtones.

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