Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (19):

Occultism and Post-awakening Natures::

Conflicting Conspiracy theories: In the last post, I mentioned that Flat-Earth Fundamentalists (Christians) tend to perpetuate a theocratic agenda in light of a Flat-Earth paradigm. [Maybe they are unaware of their actions, but it’s there]. Will Duran’s Caesar and Christ describe Constantine’s intention to save the Roman Empire through Christianity, which brought Western Europe into the Dark Ages? Durant denotes Edward Gibbon; “Christ’s victory had been Rome’s Death.”

It would seem history is on its way to repeating itself, at least for monotheistic religions like Evangelicalism and Protestantism, whose eschatological viewpoint is centred on a religious belief that’s based on literalism. This would, in turn, show itself in the form of interest: Evangelicals that support Jews and the Zionist movement. Alongside this support of Israel, there is the futurist development of the literal coming of New Jerusalem/Jesus Christ [second coming]. “The fact that evangelical Christians express such interest and a sense of shared destiny with Jews and Israel is both fascinating and peculiar given the long-standing anti-Semitism embraced by many Christians and their secular and religious authorities. A shift away from historical anti-Semitism began during the early days of the Protestant Reformation.” – Cambridge University Press          

The British promise to assist in establishing a national homeland in Palestine was inspired by evangelical support. Another interest for Israel was its connections and predictions of the second coming of Jesus. Books [religious novels] would emerge out of this contention, popularizing the evangelical support of Israel. Of course, these authors/preachers would add their blend of futurist context. These books outline Jews and how the State of Israel plays a central role at the end of the day. Gorenberg identifies the “one potential evangelical motivation to support Israel is grounded in messianic expectations and participation in the divine plan for redemption.” (Gorenberg)

What I’m trying to get at is to point out the parallel between Protestantism’s need to return to a primitive form of Christianity, almost a Judaic form of Christianity. That uses messianism as a way of politics to move government with their military-industrial backing as a modern-day crusade for another theocratic empire. This attempt is somewhat supposedly different from other historical theocratic empires that came before. This is due to a denial of the Trinity and that their version of Sola Scriptura is what sets them apart. Sola Scriptura denies early Christian traditions other than the tradition of the canon of scripture [selective acceptance and goal post moving again]. These types of issues were plentiful back in the day of early reformers. They had no resolution then, and none exist today; divisions have increased, and sola scriptura has been doctrinal chaos.

David Icke brought this modern-day crusade apparent to public consciousness through his lectures outlining Zionism as Rothschild-Zionism. He outlines that there is a clear distinction between Jews and (political) Rothschild-Zionism. The majority of Jews are not familiar with the Talmud in which the initiated elite Jews are, and that Jewish people are victims to the Zionists. He says Rothschild-Zionism is not anti-Semitism because Zionism is not about Jewish people and is predominantly a political system putting its secret agencies in power. Zionism and Judaism are opposed, and the Rothschild dynasty created Israel. It outlines that Jews are only two per cent of America, yet they dominate the controlling money for both Democrats and Republicans. Only three countries are left without a Rothschild-controlled central bank: Iran, North Korea, and Cuba. He describes Palestine as a perfect example for the definition of Genocide in which Israel (Political-Zionists) have systematically taken over their land (nation) and racial and religious infrastructure with violence and death.

As a reaction to this fundamentalist-Christian-conspiracy-groups who follow dispensational ideals as well as a belief in a sort of singular monolithic conspiracy of Cabal [out of Earth -Satan, back to earth – Jesuits/Illuminati, etc.] running the show can’t ignore this aspect. To do so would mean disregarding your whole foundation for a New Jerusalem as well as denying Evangelical support for Zionist Israel. So, they promote a Jesuit conspiracy – by claiming that the Jesuits and the Vatican are responsible for the creation of Zionism. Is there merit to this argument, or is it essentially truther/Christian-fundamentalist propaganda for dialectical debate over the conspiracy of power between Jesuits and Zionism?

Fundamentalist-Conspiracy-Groups ascribe to Eric Jon Phelps – a self-proclaimed Jesuit expert that’s part of the Evangelical, anti-Lucifer, and anti-Catholic groups that believe Catholicism is secretly worshipping Babylonian King Nimrod or the potentiality of that (Babylon Messiah). His claims or conspiracy-(theory) entail a disruption of the cosmic order by which the Catholic Church [the Vatican] will put into power a satanic position, the Babylon Messiah. [Well … if you describe apostolic succession this way, of course, you’ll sell more books]. Jon Phelps himself was ousted as an Israeli Diamond Trader, which leads truthers to conclude that he was a Zionist shill, a possible white supremacist, or a Jesuit Temporal coadjutor. This is confusing when you’re all of the above, from all of the extremes.   

He believes the Jesuit order created Jewish-labor-Zionist [Rothschild-Zionism] came from their Fabian socialist in Britain. Beatrice Sidney Webb and Bernard Shaw were part of this group that formed in 1884, and this group was also implicated in the writing of ‘1984’ by Orwell. As well as supposedly being responsible for communism in Russia. I tried to find evidence or text supporting this claim that Fabian-Socialists created Zionism and all I found was not its inception but support or sympathy for Zionism during the war effort [the world wars]. Nor did I find any evidence to support the claim they instigated communism in Russia. Besides being an intellectual think tank for certain political alignments and educational institutions, it also plays host to the movers and shakers of policy or political influencers of that time.  

Most of this claim is brought about by a disdain towards intellects such as Annie Besant, head of the Theosophical Society, after the death of Blavatsky, who was among intellects who were part of the first members.[ It remains, however, simply one of many pressure groups in the complex patchwork of power in the modern world, and attempts by twentieth-century conspiracy theorists to define it as the “One Big Conspiracy” have little in common with the relatively modest reality of its influence and achievements. – Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies]

There is also an obvious straw man tactic being played here. I don’t know how many of these assumptions are true, but for any bold claims, outside external forces/ factors/context and memory must always be considered. Eric Jon Phelps’s many conspiracy theories conflict with itself by having many contradictory claims. As well as (false)-labelling people as Jesuit infiltrators or coadjutors, and no one is safe from this labelling: any prominent political figures from left or right. To him, Jesuits are responsible for any conspiratorial notions known to be sinister, from skulls and bones to Rothschild. All of these: ‘all roads lead to Rome conspiracy’ come clear when you realize that his intention lacks credibility because it’s coming from an Evangelical and Protestant conspiratorial lens. This means being pro-Zionism as well as conveying a slanderous imposition on the Catholic Church, exemplified in claiming the Jesuits are responsible for Communism and Nazism alike.

What’s happening here is a type of narrative play through disinformation consolidating information about certain institutions, governments, secret societies, events, and so forth – to maintain a censored form through sensationalism. Ideologues loyal to either side do not matter in this case – as opposites are nullified through a monolithic Cabal, but it’s never that simple. There is a clear bias to swap the blame from Zionism to Jesuit.

Along with it, a need to perpetuate a fear of uncertainty under the guise that Jesuits are formulating a big war, a coming World War Three, and that it would not be enough for one general to orchestrate it all, so he believes they’re going to need two black-popes. Black pope is the unofficial title that conspiracy -theorists came up with to describe the position of Superior General of the Order of the Jesuits. 

The War in Heaven – and The mandate for Heaven on Earth:  And this is made clear when you have two vying factions for the mandate of Heaven. What is the mandate for Heaven? The mandate for Heaven is an assertion from Philip. K.Dick’s book Valis – which describes our geo-political situation on earth, is a reflection of the cosmic relationship that we have with the Demiurge. That we live in an autocratic police state system and matrix-like financial control grid [slaves to our political/elite masters] – is also due to this reflection of what’s going on with the larger cosmic universe. In which we are enslaved or imprisoned by Demiurge. 

This can be broken down or simplified, where it’s about the dichotomy of the cosmic order in heaven (the spiritual world) being interrupted and how it relates to the social-political movements of today. And this can be exemplified in a race between certain factions who think they have a stake or are chosen to fulfil a prophesied revelation. To which Jerusalem plays a central role. And this is where the mandate of heaven plays a role, along with the war in heaven. 

Eric Jon Phelps is playing (or adopting) the Protestant/Evangelical mandate for a New Jerusalem and the second coming of Christ. Naturally, his political rivals with different ideologies or religions are these supposed dark forces, and the team he plays for are the light. The most dangerous types of cults are those who think they are not villains but are a force for good.

In reaching this goal, Phelps describes a two-way eschatological process: the first being Jesus Christ, for all the authority has been given to him pursuing Mathew 28:18:19, which gives him juror control. The second is the devil/Satan, in which he has de-facto control. These two heads of Kingdoms need to complete their prophecy. Israel must be re-gathered or reconstituted as a nation so it can enter into the time of the 78 weeks of years of the prophet of Daniel (Daniel: 9:24:27). So there is a future time in which Israel will be re-purposed so when the devil attempts to destroy the Jews, the messiah will come (or return) and the Jews will look upon him and realize the one they hated from its inception is the one that’s going to deliver them. For this to happen, there must be a habitat of Jerusalem with Jews –this is the biblical position – in the satanic position; Satan wanted to establish his Babylon Messiah since the day Adam fell. This anti-Christ is represented as the Babylon Messiah, which is represented as the final Pope dying and coming (resurrecting) back to life. For this to happen there must be an Israel, a third temple and a rebuilt city of Babylon.    

So here he introduced apostolic succession but described it especially, where the solar ritual has become part of eschatological revelation examined through the opposite. The anti-Christ can only appear through the final pope, who will die and come back to life as the anti-Christ/Babylon Messiah. What’s happening here is an example of ideological simplicity being played out, and at the same time –keeping the eschatological key point absolute, with a need to attach variations of the futurist narrative around those key points. For instance, the space Cube/New Jerusalem landing in the sacred-Centre – to Phelps’s version of redemption for Jewish people through the enlightenment of Jesus, but won’t happen if there is no habitat or a New Jerusalem. 

So, any disruption or resistance to that mission goes against the cosmic order. And this is where the hallmarks of war come into play. All the evils, hate, and murder come from this underlying idea. The very thing Christ came to abolish, but instead, Christ is used as the icon to carry out that mission. And this can be examined in history, where several movements rose to significance in Medieval Europe, expecting the Second Coming of Christ as an imminent event. Some concentrated on the First Crusade (1096–9), viewed as a holy war leading to the end days.

A modern examination of this historical event is repeated with a new protestant/evangelical coating. Examining the U.S.’s reason for war – one of the reasons the U.S.’s reactions to post-9/11 were to get rid of weapons of mass destruction. And this seems to be a sleight of hand, a distraction for the acquisition of historical artifacts from their museums. Perhaps those artifacts were needed to further the preparation and mandate for the New Jerusalem venture. Other examinations are further propagated by their conspiracy theorists [where the public thinks they are speaking for them, but ultimately are perception managers] with an agenda to question reality and promote a boggy man. Like Phelps, who believes the Jesuits are formulating a big war akin to World War Three. And that it would not be enough for one general to orchestrate it all. So he believes they’re going to need two black popes. Black Pope is the unofficial title that conspiracy theorists came up with to describe the position of superior General of the Order of the Jesuits.

Of course, this all ties back to old myths concerning Lucifer (or Prometheus), angelic gods that upset the order by taking the light (the faculty of thinking) and giving it to humanity. Thereby upsetting the cosmic order (there have also been other incidents in heaven, evident throughout historical myth that caused some other cosmic disruptions).

Phelps would have you believe it was a means to fast-track the final position to become the Babylon messiah. Still, as we know, this is an added narrative borrowing from historical myth – the mythical resurrection. The singular monolithic conspiracy of Cabal that works for Satan/Lucifer [Lucifer is not Satan; more on this later] in this case, Satan is realized in the evolution of the final pope’s ascendancy – is followed by the outgrowth of Satan having a plan, and that his in charge and his lieutenants are the Illuminati and the New World Order.

In the Babylonian version of Lucifer, he was not the devil; he was more akin to the “firstborn son of God” and the “shepherd of mankind” who was “the door” that blocked the gods of war. He was even called on to drive out demons (parallel with Jesus). The Babylonian Lucifer defended his people with “Zeal.” Lucifer is the latest incarnation comparatively to other historical incarnations of the past; he was condemned and exiled in an age where heavenly authority shared common ground with the collective consciousness of the people. He is bound to be freed in an age when authority is seen as corrupt and illegitimate, no matter where you sit on the ideological spectrum. Lucifer’s mythical history goes back to the twenty-fifth century before Jesus, and he was called upon by magicians and sorcerers for thousands of years – Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian Magi; the Jewish people also recognized his elemental power. Lucifer was a god of the people and not the temple and was called upon when things seemed to hit an apocalyptic level. 

Fundamentalism’s whole ideology is dependent on the absolute, especially towards biblical key points, but with slight flexibility towards a narrow version of the imagination – and along with it, a need to conflate certain types of truths [like the literal word of God], and that their interpretation and understanding of that ‘word’ is the only correct and accurate translation. There is an assumption of omniscience that gets passed on as truth to God – and this is what fundamentalism is. Together with conspiracy theory – it has a habit of formulating its own truth, and fundamentalist Christians mostly create it. Given that fundamentalism conflates their interpretation and passes it on as truth to God – they attach that same principle to any other subjects, ideas, conspiracies, entertainment, art, imagination, and so forth to any argument they deem wrong. The validation is there before the proof, debate or analysis, and anything regarding what they preach swings in their favour by default. Given that most of their audience is symbolically illiterate and deprived of knowledge of myths. 

This could be a product of an inherent dysfunction; Conspiracy-theorist describes United States history as founded by two parallel forces, one, the Christian, and two, the occult dating back to the 1600s. The god-fearing Christians were known as Puritans (pilgrims) who came to the New World to seek religious freedom from the Church of England, the Anglican Church. This event paved the way to define the United States as a Christian nation, but other groups settled that weren’t Christians. These groups were deep in Masonic secrecy, deep in esoteric teachings; this included the forefathers, and during the time of the declaration, those people were involved in Masonry; however, at the same time, most of them were also Christians.

There is romanticism portraying pilgrims as colonialists who broke away from tyranny. The lives of those Puritans in the New World were harsh, full of death and evil – that can only be likened to the kinds of evils that Christian conspiracy truthers label satanic.   

Theocratic Empire vs. Theocratic Empire: The quest for New Jerusalem and its mandate for heaven on earth is a rope in a tug of war being played by two opposing factions [… well, that’s what we’re lead to believe] between modern crusaders and right-centric-middle-United-States with their religious supporters; protestant/evangelicals/Zionism – against the Vatican who wishes to seize control of the old city of Jerusalem out of the clutches of the State of Israel. This is history repeating itself with different variations on the fundamentalist aspect of that purpose.

Constantine’s intention to save the Roman Empire through Christianity brought Western Europe into the Dark Ages. Constantine’s changing faiths were shocking at the time, and his reason for changing faiths was conceived through spiritual visions. At first, Constantine was a sun-god believer; he saw himself in the image of Apollo. Many visions inspired his conversion from Polytheism to Christianity. Constantine saw a cross-shaped trophy formed from light resting above the sun, and attached to it was the word ‘by this conquer.’ The symbol was the Chi-Rho symbol. He also claimed Apollo came to him in a vision and prophesied he would live a long life and rule the world. Romans often associate Apollo with the sun and even identify Apollo with Sol-Invictus. Many coins depict the Sun-god; some coins depict Constantine standing beside the sun-God. He believed in a more syncretized version of the Christian g/God as a solar god. Something else must have changed his mind so drastically; maybe it’s akin to what Christians call born again. So, he tied that vision of Apollo to Jesus. Constantine’s conversion to Christianity didn’t come in an instant but a gradual process throughout that era.

Constantine had a complicated relationship with traditionalists; he ordered the destruction of Pagan temples and transferred money from those temples into his government. At the same time, he set up Pagan statues of the sun-god sol-Invictus – and he associated himself with Neo-Platonist philosophers. He was a savvy politician who needed to work with the imperial bureaucracy that was mostly pagan without alienating them. The conversion meant a gradual change. What he did in the name of Christianity seemed more in tune with a tyrant king [murder and war] than a Christian by today’s standards. Over time, pagan-gods depictions disappeared through his coinage, and he became a henotheist for Jesus Christ and Christianity.

Catholic-Christianity is under threat by right-wing propaganda like online Right-wing journalist sites like ‘’ which promoted the ‘all roads lead to Rome’ conspiracy theory by focusing on the testimonial of Cardinal Bea corresponding to Alberto Rivera – a supposed Jesuit who defected to Protestant-Fundamentalism. Rivera’s credibility is questioned; his Status as a Catholic priest turned out to be false, nor was he a Bishop. Most of Phelps’s Conspiratorial claims come from Rivera’s allegations towards Catholicism that the Jesuits are a monolithic Cabal responsible for communism Nazism – the world wars, the assassination of Lincoln and Kennedy – the masterminds of the medieval Inquisition, and so forth.

Take what you from this – it seems to be set upon an either/or extremes, but an all-encompassing monolithic Cabal built upon by guilt through association is not research. They are creating more work for other researchers who have to parse out most of these false claims. If it’s about guilt by association, both parties are to blame, considering both are interlocked with the Rothschilds. At one stage, the Pope borrowed money from the Rothschilds:                 

Researcher Eustace Mullins writes that the Rothschilds took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823. Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschilds and the rest of the International Banking system. (Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, p.154)

At the same time, there is Rothschild-Zionism [a David Icke term] that implies Zionism is corporate-funded by the Rothschilds. Zionism is favoured by religious and political leaders coming from Protestant/Evangelical denominations of the United States. From which they’re also under the thumb of higher banking corporations – hence the name Rothschild-Zionism. As well as other higher corporate powers of Europe – this means right-centric Christian conspiracy groups must accept that those they follow as their spokesperson for their conservative ideal follow ideas of the external world – and not so much so for their separatist ideals and paranoia. These external ideals are technocratic based, aiming to hyper-specialise technologies.

 The supposed testimonial of Cardinal Bea corresponding to Dr. Rivera outlined what he heard through secret briefings. That a Jesuit named Augustina Bea showed how desperately the Roman Catholics wanted Jerusalem at the end of the third century. Because of its religious history and its strategic location the Holy City was considered a priceless treasure. A scheme had to be developed to make Jerusalem a Roman Catholic city. So the Catholic Church or the Vatican wanted the city of Jerusalem because they know how much of a spiritual significance the city is, Jerusalem is also known as heaven from Glatians 4:26 “but Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.”

This spiritual significance is said to be the driving force for the creation of Islam. So, the Romans once possessed the city, but during its fall was taken over by heathens, and so they made a plan (the creation of Islam) to take that land back. What Cardinal Bea shared in the Vatican was evidence (writings) that links the Vatican to the creation of Islam, which Rivera was present. Rivera wanting to defect from the Church and the Church knowing how much he knew was aware of such information being exposed. According to Phelps the Vatican also helped finance the building of these massive Islamic armies in exchange for three favours: 1. Eliminate the Jews and Christians (true believers they’re called infidels) – 2. Protect the Augustinian Monks and Roman Catholics – 3. Conquer Jerusalem for “His Holiness” in the Vatican.

Phelps says the Jesuits (Papacy) created Islam in 610, to put forward Islam as a sort of Church, and is why Islam killed of the racial Jews alongside Christians in Arabia and North Africa. This spread throughout Spain, where Muslims (Islam) was used to neutralize the Visigoths in Spain and southern France who denied Rome as a pagan trinity, (I.H.S – I-Isis, H-Horus, and S-Set). There was a time Islam denied the Papacy; this was during the time Islam refused to give it back to the Pope, the Pope helping to finance Islam undertaking was not pleased, and so the crusades occurred by the order of the Vatican. According to Phelps the masonic lodge in Cairo is the central point in the Islam brotherhood and therefore whoever rules Cairo rules the Muslim brotherhood.  

So much of these contentions from Revera/Phelps are an exercise in revisionist history, making most of the claims (if not all of them) not true [its conspiracy-theory-propaganda]. Islam arose in the Arabian Peninsula, where Orthodox Christianity had made significant gains among the population, with Gnostic Christianity also having a significant presence during the seventh century. The Catholic Church was based in Rome and was largely insulated from the Arabian people. Christianity, in a broader sense, did contribute immensely to Islamic theology but did not create Islam.

The Catholic Church did support [charted] the crusade and sometimes directed it, as for creating it, this is not true. After the fall of Rome, there was an Islamic Campaign that would spread in North Africa and would reach as far as northern Spain. They would fill the vacuum left from the collapse of the Roman Empire. Charlemagne united Europe with the consolidation with Germanic central European kingdoms – became known as the ‘Holy Roman Empire’ under the Roman Church. Charlemagne’s empire met resistance from Saxons who fought against the state-cult made a new in Christianity in favour of their native gods. Pope Urban II called for a crusade against the Islamic occupation of Jerusalem, thus the first crusade.    

The Crusade was led by the Knights Templar a crusading order founded by several noblemen of Europe. Their purpose at the beginning was to protect Pilgrims on the root of the Holy Land. They were given property to use as headquarters; one was located at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They existed from the late 11th century to the early 14th century – they were respected as a military fighting force. After the Crusade died down they returned to Europe and took properties, which were given the title preceptories, which meant they can run a business similar to a sovereign state – that was only beholden to the Pope. They used this leverage to start the first checking system [a banking system] – they used these processes with regards to the Pilgrims and their wealth. Throughout the years they would amass a fortune and power.

So much so that some countries owed them money like king Philip of France. Philip had influence over the papacy and the Vatican and persuaded them to move their headquarters from Rome to Avion France. He [Philip] was concerned about the Templars and once asked to join, but was rejected.  

People started to wonder how they became such power – the people not realizing it was a banking system [the way currency works], which was a new concept and something they didn’t understand at the time. So, they thought it was something magical or supernatural because of rumours that entailed satanic rituals among the secret initiation ranks. Philip sent people to confirm these rumours, and these spies confirmed them. Philip then used this as evidence to get the Pope involved to prosecute the people of that order. Some were arrested and executed, burnt and jailed – some absorbed to other orders.      

From here on in the Templars would find themselves being mythologized in two sets of beliefs. One: being about world domination – the common new-world-order conspiracy that has Freemasonic ties. This came from the back of the Catholic Church’s accusations towards them. Two:  when the Templars were dissolved; rumours suggest they were wrongly persecuted and were looked at as these wise initiates who held the secret of western occultism. From here on in other secret societies had claimed [or asserted] that they had ties to the group and would continue in their traditions.        

The confirmations that lead the Church to conclude that satanic rituals were being used were through the Templars confessions through torture. They confessed to long-standing worship of the Baphomet. And even in the Vatican’s investigation that didn’t require torture, they confessed to other rituals that involved denying Christ in a less satanic fashion.   

The Baphomet image that people commonly see it as is an image designed by [French] Alphonse Louis Constant, but those images had nothing to do with the Templars – or even in the same timeline as the symbolic representation of the Baphomet back in the days of that Order. Nobody quite knew what the Baphomet was; some have said it was a skull with multiple heads; some say it was the skull of John the Baptist. The Baphomet in this case was a severed head in which the Baphomet would speak through. Although it was more of a ritual where they take a severed head and embalm it – then they would put it on a plate. Then they would insert magical symbols on the tongue – to which it would reanimate itself to life – in which it would speak. The Baphomet is a demonic entity that is used through divination for prophetic insight and gain.   

This really plays on the fears of traditional Christians, I can see why; it has all the perversity of evil, and the secret Order that was/is Templars certainly fits that bill. Although they must also realize that magic(k) and ritualism are at the centre of all world events and technological advancements. That has its beginnings from early creation and early civilizations. The motive to gain favours over spiritual entities is universal among all cultures as well as having a key point in mythology. For example: the Watchers who fell from Heaven on to Mount Hermon where they taught the tribes metallurgy, and taught how to read the stars. Then there is the myth of the Greek goddess Medusa; upon having her head cut off by Perseus, her head is still imbued with power, casting any men who stare at her head to stone. There is a commonality of themes [of other-worldly beings giving technology] through the metaphysical and Physical that is bonded to civilizations and their people.

The Medusa plays on a psychological key point, which can be best examined in the Sci-Fi show Taken in a dialogue between Dr. Chet and Camille. The Doctor is trying to talk her down from becoming overly obsessive. Camille is a sort of anti-matter version of agent Skully [of the X-Files] character, if Skully had deep psychological issues. 

  Dr.  Chet      Do you know the story of the Medusa?  
  CamilleYou look at her and you turn to stone 
  Dr. ChetUnless you know the secret, but you have to be an enlightened warrior to learn. 
  CamilleThis is going somewhere right? 
  Dr. ChetIf you know the secret you can kill her, and then the winged horse Pegasus flies from her head, then the world becomes a  very, very beautiful place. I use to think we get something out of this ‘new science’, something, I even thought we can get the better of them somehow, but we’re not ready to be anything but spectators in this – anything more … ‘stone.’   

A document discovered in the Vatican in 2001 uncovered the Church did their investigation before the inquisition, an investigation without torture. The cardinals interrogated the same Templar groups who confessed to the inquisition in France. It revealed they were innocent and were absolved. This had no real significance and they were still punished. It was a way for the Vatican to exonerate themselves from having had an affiliation with an essentially satanic order. In which it was believed up until that moment that the Church had created this group and allowed them to have total power. And then let them go unchecked as they evolved into this secret group that wanted world dominance.

It is argued that the Church absolving the order was part of the Church’s criteria to take confession with the sins being pardon through penance. In which absolution or forgiveness is given. However, it didn’t indicate that these orders were not guilty in any way to the crimes that they confessed to. And that is a vast insidious conspiracy along with the denial of Christ, which went against the Church.     

So it’s good to know where the demarcation of interpretation is coming from; Phelps is taking the path of the first mythicized version of the story. And that is the Church is responsible for the rise of secret order or the having created it, which is not the case, though the Church’s involvement cannot be denied. So here we have the Church detaching themselves [or washing away their hands of guilt] from a secret group that grew too large and unchecked.

And we also have a form of detachment in the personalities of fundamentalists, where they wish Protestantism didn’t come from the Catholic Church. Where Martin Luther should be forgotten, and Protestantism gestated from the dimensional state of heaven that arose at the start of creation. Revera is a modern-day Lutheran acting as a mirror to Luther, but instead of being the father of Protestantism; Revera is a sympathizer for Protestantism/anti-Catholic activist as well as a hoax actor during the sixties.   

The attempt to consolidate a monolithic big bad would also mean consolidating secret societies which cannot be done. Considering there have been secret societies throughout the ages; from as early as the first agriculture ages to modern times. This is not only ambitious but impossible given the nature of secret societies which at times are transient as well as having their own set of ideologies and belief structures. Meaning some groups change, some get disembowelled or reconstituted to another group, the name changes slightly.

The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies is 400 pages book outlining secret societies from A to Z. Paraphrasing a segment of the book:

 The Christian right has always been a racial radical movement that broke away from American Protestantism, then trickled down to become The Christian Identity movement which was a British Israelite movement as well. With the emergence of other churches to their cult it started to become anti-Semitic, then it found common cause with another fringe group “the two seeds” which gave the notion of two dividing bloodline; the evil bloodline from Cain and the good bloodline from Seth whose father was Adam. This became popular in the south; than the Christian Identity movement claimed they are the Aryans (white skin) and were the original true Israelites and that Jews were biological descendants of Satan. After a while they formed a secret group, togo against or revolutionize against the so-called “Zionist Occupation government” they failed and they reconsidered their plans for racial warfare. During the last decades of the 20th century they spread the racist paganism and neo-Nazi ideology, which drew many potential recruits away from Christian Identity movement. It remains a force in the extreme right of America that overlaps with neo-Nazi groups and surviving branches Ku Klux Klan. – The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies   

So even amongst their own ranks, there are more contexts to know rather than fully accepting a simplified almost fictional telling to promote doubt. So, something happened to change the ideals of racial/racist groups amongst early Middle America; to change their ideals from hating Zionism to accepting Zionism. Probably by preachers with political alliances who can fill stadium stages akin to musical bands, though it’s still a very racist group. It’s a political movement more so than a religious one.  

So, Protestantism is very young compared to the history of the Jesuits and the Catholic Church – and even scientism [the Copernicus worldview] simplifying the institution that goes back to the new-testament [this is how far memory and context they have] is blatant. To imply the Jesuits were responsible for the medieval inquisition in the 13th century where in actuality the Jesuits were founded in 1539 – these discrepancies have to be recognized. Throughout history; has the Roman Catholic Church and Jesuits been guilty of things; yes. Are they responsible for what right-centric conspiracy theorists describe as a type of central Cabal? – Or is it just a product of Empire building?

Regarding memory and context, the Catholic Church [Vatican] and Rome have already gone through a theocratic empire. It’s part of their memory and history. This is memory as shared knowledge [common sense] that they’ve learned from, they know it didn’t work then and know it won’t work now.

Constantine’s ideal for Christianity would follow through into the Crusade. The Christian ideal was through the ideal of a New Jerusalem. However, the city never came down from the clouds and certainly didn’t save Europe from disease and death in the wake of the fall of Rome. And if there is a lesson to be learned from history – it’s not to repeat it, the same outcome will ensue. The end-times notion won’t end – it’s akin to believing there is a restaurant at the end of the universe – makes the mission for a New Jerusalem a never-ending quest. They’ve already had several wars in the Middle East on the backs of that premise.

The mandate for heaven has cosmic significance in the sense that one party is on a mission to preserve a new (g)/God born out of its detachment from the monad [this is called the Lucifer Effect, a term borrowed from the New Age]. This is where an over-focus on individualism detached from oneness becomes chronic or alienated, isolated, jealous that usually act out its evils. On an environmental level; industries that extract from the world till nothing is left. Not realizing the earth gives without asking anything in return. They forget that you need to live with the environment on a symbiotic level. The Protestant’s separation from the Catholic Church is a symbolic detachment from that monad – its effect is by a reaction to seek validation, but they don’t know where to seek it; since they cut themselves off.

On the surface Catholics and Protestants, both claim to be Christian, and both adhere to a lot of common fundamental ideas about Jesus, which does suggest they are both a sort of Christian. However, those that look beyond the surface see another game being played. There is an awareness surrounding the old gods awakening and a state-cult re-emerging and given our modern circumstances this seems to be the case. [Well … at least symbolically]. The antithesis to this claim is a clear agenda by the protestant groups that have the drive to go back to a theocratic age. This is made clear by their Christian- conspiracy-groups who promote an Elizabethan Freemasonic big bad, but cannot mention their clear support for their government’s religious/political quest for a New Jerusalem backed by their corporations and therefore support for militaristic order. Not realizing that Freemasons were largely seen as [mostly] protestant; the Protestant Knighthood.

Lucifer Effect syndrome would repeat itself in early Protestant denominations /orders [like Calvinists] thinkers akin to info-war types, but in the enlightenment era realized the Catholic-Church professes Christianity in public, but instinctively knew they practiced/worshipped other idols in private. Those inherent memories have never left that detached group but moved towards modern times as it re-emerged itself in the mindset of the religious-right of the 80s, but back then dichotomy was clear. I surmise that rather than fading away they were simulated back into Protestantism/Evangelicalism. This explains the modern-day political landscape where there are no dichotomies to be had; both left and right politics are both right-wing.   

The populace groups who are pro-militaristic/Zionist/conservative and their conspiracy-theory-propaganda followers have a sense of patriotism against a theoretical-conspiratorial notion of threat; Satanism, world war three, and so on – while still keeping their support for a New Jerusalem. I feel their spokespersons are catering to their separatist followers with an absolute notion of the genuineness of their deity, which is pretty much defunct by now; he is real, but not in the sense they think he is. They’re appealing to their exclusive nature toward their g/God. While secretly worshipped another much in the same way that an intuitive feeling leads to the conclusion – that early protestant groups/orders who felt that Catholic-Church profess Christianity, but practice another in secret. No real difference both Catholic-Christians and Protestant-Christians are being duped. 

Secret worships of gods in private while advocating a monotheistic one in public have political connotations. Set aside the eschatological notion of a New Jerusalem, and consider perhaps; that narrative is more for the benefit of their Christian populace – when in private or secret that it’s more about power. Then, it’s about Empire building that goes beyond living up to revelations.

Take the dichotomy of China and the U.S. both are similar than one might think. China is capitalistic [on extreme] than socialist – the modern system has no support [safety net] for what the West understands as socialist systems [polices; Medicare, welfare, education, etc.] to be. I’ve already mentioned the US’s ever prevailing encroachment to fascism. China is a sliding scale between Capitalism and Communism while the U.S. is a sliding scale of Capitalism and Fascism. China attributes socialism by wearing a socialist hat; meaning they look like a socialist country, but in reality, modern-day China is unrecognizable. The threat comes in their managerial systems of control, which no one in the west wishes or wants to live in. At least the West has a simulation of choice. Now and then there is a show-trial of corrupt officials that get put in jail or death penalty – to show people they’re taking on corruption for the benefit of the public – while in secret does nothing to the majority of other officials.

In the last post we gave a short mention of Vitvan’s General Semantics; the importance of not using words/images for which any proper referent or reference has been established. Not to overly worship images so it becomes idolatry, and not to deny to an extent it becomes iconoclasm. This is difficult to grasp considering Terence McKenna’s universe is manifested through language. Maybe a better way of understanding it is not to confuse applied-imagination with imaginative-fantasy.

The fundamental Jewish belief ‘that you shall make no graven images’ is at the core of their belief system and in their religious text, as well as the Bible, that no false images of God should be worshipped. The Romans however, required statues of their Emperors alongside their Gods, the Jews recognized statues had no real value, but Holly texts do.

The Jesuits used the very same concept of heightening the God-image, when it was merely a cover for their politics (- Simulation and Simulacra). The disappearance of God was a way in to manipulate the conscious of the public as they took the role of inheritor or steward of the Godhead.      

The image will play a part if old gods are to awake and be worshipped in secret. Maybe there is no awakening or re-emergence if we know people are astute enough to see through [the abstraction of the God-image being brought forward that can parallel their self among the images and representation of that God-image, but for already enacting his death and his disappearance through the catalogue of his representations (- Simulation and Simulacra)] – while at the same time being aware that it’s dangerous to deconstruct images since it shines a light on the high probability that there is nothing behind them. Due to the aspect of not having true referents/inference to the image – the implication of wavering meaning to the image is it becomes stagnant a simulated meaning or referent can be assimilated to the image by any order that’s deep within its own occult history and practice.

Then it’s just about ethical principles of good and evil. And the paranoid fundamentalists fear what they don’t understand or refuse to understand, [old gods awakening; to be afraid or not to be afraid] is directly in response or a reaction to a misinterpreted or misunderstood redeemer. Fundamentalist-right recognizes that people having that awareness means a slow apotheosis will not fall in their favour. Their drive and lack of openness for truth will undoubtedly be fuel for more hate. A state-cult guise as Christianity is apparent, nor more so than a state-cult guise as a right-wing-Christianity, but I fear this is too straightforward to be unassailable it can disregard the genuine believers of Catholicism. Which has several centuries and more of history, memory, and context that can’t be easily thrown away, to do so would mean devaluing Catholicism.

Most of the Christian principles that people have taken in is based upon the writing of the first century (Roman and Grecian) philosophers; Epictetus and Seneca. They knew about the ancient past and were deeply connected to the higher schools of consciousness. Christianity is paganism with a different name, a sun-god turned into a Jewish man. It is said the Flavians created much of what is to be known as Christianity.

From what the Dead Sea Scrolls have indicated, it’s that, the characters from those writings were militaristic and wanted to push the foreigners out of Israel; comparatively in the gospel the same characters were pacifistic. How was a movement like Christianity come to exist in a region that was occupied by roman soldiers and within it Jewish zealots that wanted push the Romans out?          

As for modern separatist groups, their sense of patriotism is set upon false pride. As well as inherent need; helped by preachers who reinforces a New Jerusalem. Even if they’re shown their own hypocrisy; for instance: Ezekiel once channelled God, and God is telling him to build a representation of Jerusalem, and then do a ritual with it – which will cause the (New) Jerusalem to fall from the Heavens. Magic and rituals are always looked down on. How can they reconcile that?

This [populace group] are separatists that ignore the fact that their (political) leaders are controlled by billionaires – who agree on wars for empire, militaristic of the police, false dichotomy; divide, and rule politics. And I would venture to guess that they don’t worship the same God as the separatist do, but somehow the separatist can forgive that or look the other way, or it’s just plain ignorance. They forever continue to propagandize their agenda. When in actuality it’s a group of Elites who plays both sides.

The most dogmatic Christians would not even entertain this possibility – often these groups don’t realize they’ve been used by their government, and that government uses Christianity’s good principles against them by preaching to the Evangelical population that war and the end times coincide, and so make them believe in their war effort as something virtuous. The greater Israel project, in which a theocratic empire is all but too happy to capitulate to any Israel needs. 

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