
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (20):

Occultism and Post-awakening Natures:

Occult Traditions and State Religion: After the dark ages, people forgot where they came from, and the only way to know themselves was through the Bible but would be meaningless without the context. This is due to the Church having destroyed a vast network of knowledge. When all the classic works of literature were rediscovered through other nations notably Islamic nations. Places where these works were preserved. People who understood them and translated those works were viewed by Catholic society at the time as sinister – the same can be said with the attitudes in fundamentalism today.

During that time; it was frowned upon to know or understand anything about the ancient world, which meant knowing anything before Jesus was looked down on. An understanding of solar symbols regarding Christ was the common consensus and anything beyond that is heresy. The same can be said in the last decade where most traditional Christians are illiterate in theology and only going by what they know through preachers and fundamentalists – who withheld the solar connection to Jesus. To them, a realization of this connection would be in the realm of occultism [something bad]. We have politics repeating itself inversely throughout several millennia. We have a group earlier in time wanting to know if there was a historical Jesus – and a modern group who believes in the historical Jesus so adamantly that they forgot the solar mystical aspect beyond the resurrection aspect.

The rediscovery of symbolism as a reaction to something bad is really about fear – to something so nonchalant that it was part of daily life in the ancient world. There was nothing sinful about it – it was part of their vocabulary and they used it to express their ideas. In modern times fundamentalism and Christianity in many ways are becoming aware of something that was forgotten, an esoteric past. And this is a reflection of the present time, which is out of their control. And by being aware it, means [for them] a resistance to that – for them, it’s all too pagan; all too occult.

What we call the animist or pagan mindset was as a result of agriculture concerning the nature of harvesting, which was about the mother mythology and its mysteries. With the rise of cosmopolitanism, the rise of mother mythology and animism morphed into something that paralleled agriculture and technology of that time. From mystery religion appeasing the harvest changed into having a personal relationship with those deities. This also came due to people beginning to become disenchanted with the old religion. So, the ancient mystery cults [secret cults] at that time introduced gods [the pantheon Greek gods] which were imported from the eastern Mediterranean [Syria, Phoenicia, and Turkey]. The mystery cults fed a deep spiritual hunger that was brought on by this malaise dissatisfaction with the old religion.

These gods now known as Hercules, Aphrodite, etc. were ecstatic, loud, and vibrant. It got to the point that these cults were outlaws, disreputable, and controversial, but would later become respected by political leaders and soldiers. This would result in a worship of the (cult)-state.

This would later change into henotheism then into Christianity. Where is more about the worship of the priesthood, state, class, money, and government, these were the monotheistic traditions. This would then again carry onto the late Roman period through the middle-ages and up to the renascence – and from the renascence would go into the age of reason and enlightenment.

I assume through common sense that there would have been a time where the monotheistic state/traditions hadn’t been consolidated yet. Meaning there were two sets of understanding in regards to monotheistic theology. The first being worship of Apollo, Athena, Zeus, etc. who represents the god of the polis/state, which was a reflection of what was happening with the culture at the time. The second would be about a change from worshipping those gods to something more unified – this came about through the rise of individualism and henotheism, to which Constantine was a big contributor off. Apollo the god of the state during a Hellenistic Greece would become a monotheistic Christian god Jesus. 

Another important contributor to this state religion was Josephus who was the only person that wrote about the accounts of the messianic movement throughout that time of Judaea. Joe Atwill’s Caesar’s Messiah draws a parallel between the events of the gospel and the events described in the military campaign of the Romans, which was run by Titus. He concludes the whole ministry of Jesus was invented based on the military campaign. Jesus was a fictional character invented as an alternative [Caesar’s Messiah] for the messianic movement that could exist within the empire. 

Josephus [possibly a fictional persona] is similar to Constantine both had contact with the divine, which– seems to be a common thread to move certain agendas. This makes the notion that contact with spirit unconscious or otherwise less credible. Superstition used as a construct for campaigning is possible, but the phenomenon surrounding contact with the divine is a true occurrence. His inspiration was that God told him that the old covenant between God and the Jews was broken and a new covenant between God and Rome was to take place.

Another account was with Vespasian [a Caesar] who was at Alexandria; he went into the temple of Serapis and prayed. While he was in there came into contact with the divine [the Egyptian god Serapis], Vespasian comes out claiming he was the new Serapis – for ‘Serapis has come into me’. Then he works miracles cures a withered arm, and makes a blind man see.          

These were common psychological mind operations or political routines back then when Caesar rulers would take on the personage of local gods. These techniques have been long used even before Roman Empire by other ruling countries/empires. The absorption of traditional religion is a point of control.

When it comes to the son of Man in the Gospel, it can run parallel with Titus Flavius who claim to be Jewish Christ. His court historians said that the Jewish prophecies of a messianic world ruler foresaw the Flavian Caesar. The son of Man that Jesus envisioned to come within 40 years was a Jewish Christ [Titus Flavius] who had political motivations in developing Christianity – the Roman Caesar.

And so Rome made Christianity a state religion because at the time; you were either a Roman Catholic or Jew. The state religion was a way to mitigate rebellion. In this way the Pont of Maximus [Pope] could operate as Caesar, but not through the guise of a circular conquering warmonger, but rather through the likeness title of minister of Jesus Christ. This was not an easy feat to accomplish for the Romans. The Empire required the worship of Caesar, and the Jews of Israel wouldn’t agree to that – their strong religious stance; not to accept graven images only reinforced a stronger belief in their God. So, there was a rebellion.

Although this rebellion [messianic movement] was unique because it had a religious component to it, and it was often bloody. It allowed them to push the Romans out for a certain time, and then the Jews were able to establish their nation-state – right in the middle of the Roman Empire at its very height. Their fervour was so strong; upon having military control of their armies was able to commit mass genocide towards the gentiles. 

Jewish scripture had a lot of genocidal concepts concerning the gentiles notably the position of the fundamentalist Jews that saw them racially distinct. The Romans saw this aspect of the liturgy as what would motivate the Jews. And it would dawn on them that Christianity was a way in … to impose a slow simulation to their empire. There was widespread dissatisfaction particularly in Alexandria, and Alexandria was mostly a Jewish city outside of Israel. You have the Egyptians, Jews, and the Greeks mixing. In this mix, a group called the Sethians would come into the scene. They thought themselves descendants of set(h) – or Jesus was an emanation of Seth. You can discern in their scripture that they were unimpressed with Templar Judaism. They were distancing themselves from the Davidic elite.

You can see this concept mirrored in the Christian-identity-movement the difference; however, was that they were more radical in their racial stance than being dissatisfied. The Sethians gnostic group would inspire Philo of Alexandria to introduce the Hellenic idea of the logos – into his esoteric Judaism. So, there was an esoteric Judaism that picked up Hellenistic ideas and Egyptian ideas. Eventually the combination of warfare and the new-Religion took hold and the Romans physically forced the Jews out of Judaea, and would see the end of that struggle.

Constantine only began the process of the state religion [Christianity] because the state religion had already become a feudal system following a collection of bullet points that other leaders had to obey for the empire. Constantine used military force to put Christian Churches around the State, a Church that had military backing. Christianity was put there as a psychological operation or propaganda to prevent rebellion by the serfs. It was easier for them to follow in the Pope [which was Caesar in another name] rather than Caesar of Rome.  

There was a specific tribe or chosen family out of Judaea that became part of the Roman Empire; notably Philo of Alexandria. These types of groups were specifically chosen, and they became the main bloodline family of the Roman Empire. The Romans would have a Jew leading their troops who were from a famous Jewish intellectual family. It was a combination soup of bloodlines and theological claims mixed in within the political-military and financial issues. And everyone else would either be banished or something worse unless they joined them under the banner of Christianity.

Christianity being formed as a way to mitigate peasants rebelling, and Christianity’s role in the feudal system brings up a lot of suspicions. It was a slave system that existed for more than a thousand years, and the ruler being the Pope. It boils down to money grab and power, Christianity being the controlling apparatus for that feudal system. And it would be Christianity itself that will also play a part; in the fall of Rome.

New Atlantis and the Phoenician Connection: So the question that aligns with this thesis becomes … When did an enlightened rebelling new world on the backs of the dream of the New Atlantis become the empire that would continue in a slightly different – but ultimately the same apparatus? On the ideals of a sola scriptura and the absolute, it’s a secular style new-religion; new-Christianity. On the other hand the equilibrium of restraint has been set from an empire that has gone through it before. And they would come to break down those restraints [equilibrium] on a mission for a literal New Jerusalem [the antithesis of the lost Atlantis] – a fictional city [akin to a fictional re-return of Jesus] that would never come.    

And what is new-Christianity if not a combination of secular heliocentrism and [protestant/evangelical] Christianity. And what is Christianity if not Freemasonry, and what is Freemasonry if not Mithraic and Druidic revival, made famous by Thomas Paine’s research. It’s suggested the link between Masons and Templars [two different secret societies] was that the Templars were a bridge between the ancient and modern secret societies. The common thread of Masonry and Christianity is the worship of the Sun. Thomas Paine outlined that the only difference in Christianity is that they put a man called Jesus Christ, in the place of the Sun, and paid him the same admiration, which was originally for the Sun. While Masonry, the many ceremonies of the Druids are preserved in their original state – the Sun is held as a logo that’s embedded within the iconography of that religion then followed into the secret lodge.

Paine also concluded that many Temple designs notably the Solomon Temple was inspired by the Dionysian Artificers of Phoenicia (also known as Zidonians). Paine not also derived Masonry to the Druids, but also further back to Shemsu Hor. Manly P Hall also recorded the influence of the Mithraic Mysteries of Freemasonry like the importance of initiatory degrees. The image of the cross plays a huge symbolic role for Mithraism.  

 Initiation into the rites of Mithras, like initiation into many other ancient schools of philosophy, apparently consisted of three important degrees. Preparation for these degrees consisted of self-purification, the building up of the intellectual powers, and the control of the animal nature…. After his initiations were over, he was hailed as one who had risen from the dead, was instructed in the secret teachings of the Persian mystics, and became a full-fledged member of the order. Candidates who successfully passed the Mithraic initiations were called Lions and were marked upon their foreheads with the Egyptian cross.     

New Atlantis is a book authored by Sir Francis Bacon; it’s a new incarnated title version of the lost-Atlantis idea.  And it’s said that the book was a Masonic blueprint for the creation of the American Republic. Bacon was just one of many other occultists that were part of Queen Elizabeth’s [the first] court. He was also touched by the divine spirit coming to him. There was a revival of ancient mysteries at a time cantered on England; interactions with esoteric groups like the Rosicrucian’s, Kabbalists, and Alchemists. The founding fathers were indeed, Freemasons; members of secret Masonic-type secret societies – it’s a type because its derivation comes from Europe. Where upon rituals and beliefs were adopted to express Masonic degrees of Initiation. 

In the Odyssey; Atlanteans were called Phaeacians, and it can be said that the Phaeacians is a fantastical clone of the real world of Phoenicians. The mystery deepens when the arrival of the sea-people [nomads of the sea] came to Phoenicia and influenced their culture. Researcher Ignatius Donnelly claims the sea-people was nothing less than the remnant of Atlantis. He also claims that they chose Phoenicia for its important topographical position as well as its sea roots. It matched the area that the old Atlantean Empire voyaged. When Columbus sailed to discover a new world, or re-discover an old one, he took his departure from a Phoenician seaport, founded by that great race two thousand five hundred years previously.

After Phoenicians having mixed with the sea-people it furthered intrigue by weird mystic researchers like David Icke who would claim that these Phoenicians were these white-skinned and blue-eyed people that matched his reptilian-human crossbreed theory. This is a subtle nod to the mythical elder beings and the bloodlines that came out of them. This parallels angels coming down from Heaven and breeding with human women, which spawned Nephilim. In all prehistory, and among important archetypal key points in civilizations; have always had some contact or experience with spirits. These beings of intrigue are varied in their archetypal form: the Reptilian – and its vampire-like nature. An older myth of intrigue is Elve-like beings; blue-eyed super psychics that once roamed the fabled centred city, where once the Sun was just a shimmer. And their true light came from the plasmic nature that illuminated out from the Saturnian sky. 

Phoenicians not only influenced Freemasonry but also influenced Greek and Jewish Culture. It influenced the many Greek gods: Heracles, Dionysus, Cadmus, etc. The word ‘Bible’ itself came from ‘Byblos’ which meant ancient paper.

Solomon’s Temple was built in 996 BC it was an integral part of Freemasonry. Furthermore, it was built by King Solomon, King Hiram, and Hiram Abiff. The Temple and its Pillars and its influence on Freemasonry are further intrigued by King Hiram and Hiram Abiff who were Phoenicians from the city of Tyre. The Templars financed the building of that Temple. The Knight-hood we understand today is a direct outgrowth of Mithraic Cults of ancient Rome, which also influenced the Knight Templars. Both had commonality. Mithraic Cults influenced the Roman legion as well.

The Templars came to fruition in upper Normandy and radiated into England, but it was a Norman enterprise, first and foremost. These Normans were a mixture of Vikings [Scandinavian] and Franks. Striking motives for these Normans/Templars there intrigue to find lost artefacts notably the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ – but before that mystery intrigue. They had to do battle with French king Charlemagne, who wanted to Christianize the indigenous beliefs of Northern Europe. The Normans would be converted in the 10th century, but this conversion as political expediency went no deeper than aristocracy, as paganism was still practiced in secret. 

These rebel Normans who kept their pagan religious fervour made their way to Venice. And these rebels now gangsters and pirates aligned with Venice as a military force were able to take over Normandy. The first crusade was the Norman Conquest of England directed and financed by Venice … And of course, Venice was nothing more than the old Phoenician empire reborn in the heart of Italy. The Normans would grow their claim to occupying North Africa Malta, Sicily, Antioch, and England under the Templar Flag. Then, expand to France, Jerusalem, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Cyprus this empire-building was forged on the impetus of the Crusades. The Norman/Templars had reconstructed the old Phoenician Empire almost in its entirety. Phoenicians became Venetians.

The Normans made anew in the Templars; continued in the Crusade. The Knights Templar was created to complete the work started by the Normans and their Venetian partners. In that campaign the fake news of the time is to claim; Templar’s mandate was to protect pilgrims on the way to Jerusalem … this is put into question when they were only nine Templars of that time. And when they reached the Solomon’s Temple started to excavate for hidden tunnels and treasure.

To go further back it is said the Phoenicians were the conduits of the dissemination of Shemsu Hor – Sun worship to the Celtic people and perhaps the establishment of Druidry itself. The Druids were a combination of priests, magistrates, scholars, and physicians. People saw them in admiration in common with Brahmans of India, the Magi of Persia, and the priests of Egyptians. The Druids taught and believed in one god, to whom they gave the name “Be’al” [the life of everything], which has an affinity with the Phoenician Baal. The Druids were defeated by the Roman Church but revived in secret by Freemasonry.

Paine linked Christianity and Freemasonry back to the Druidic sun worship, but Ignatius Donnelly took it a step further and traced the sun worship back to Atlantis. Phoenicians were known as sea-people gave importance to the Pillars of Hercules as part of their identity, and given my ongoing fascination with sacred space/centre can conclude the pillars is a symbolic representation of the true-North-Pole a.k.a. sacred-centre. Atlantean religion and culture were brought to the world, but there is a mystical quality to this race of people that is open to fantasy writers and high-strange authorities. Some try to rationalize this by linking to other Bronze Age cultures, but it could be just another variation of the sea-people.   

Francis Bacon argued that the mysteries were defeated by Constantine, but laid dormant in the heart of the new state cult, and were waiting for some genius to come along and liberate them. Bacon, “who sailed his little ship far out into the unexplored sea of learning through the Pillars of Hercules, and whose ideals for a new civilization are magnificently expressed in the Utopian dream of The New Atlantis.” – Hall  

 Though Christianity shattered the material organization of the pagan Mysteries, it could not destroy the knowledge of supernatural power which the pagans possessed. Therefore it is known that the Mysteries of Greece and Egypt were secretly perpetuated through the early centuries of the church, and later, by being clothed in the symbolism of Christianity, were accepted as elements of that faith. – Hall   

So the question asks … has it been liberated? And to me, ‘yes,’ but inversed the new-Christianity as I mentioned earlier is no different from Christianity of Rome. Both use the same spree décor tactics, but ignorance [and conspiracy theory] is playing a part, not in the lack of knowledge because it’s there to be taken, but the refusal of knowledge – then truth. This is the fundamentalist aspect. … the tail end of Constantine came to an end, but the tail end of a secret society who perpetuated that old religion as a mirror to Constantine… re-emerged in the stars and stripes of soldiers with automatic weapons on the guise of new-Christianity.

Modern Misunderstanding: Western worship of deities gets murky when hyperrealism narrative gets introduced. Whether it’s Christian-conspiracy-theory-propaganda and hyperrealism or New-Age-&-the-accelerating-evolution and hyperrealism both lacks a common truism, and that is a sort of cultural/historical amnesia. When you understand occult traditions even in their basic form gives you a bit more context, and therefore you’re less prone to react with a close mind. Without it, you will find that the word ‘occult’ gets redefined not on purpose, but through a consensus of ignorance.

Most traditional Christians define the occult inaccurately due to that ignorance. The word ‘occult’ – came about during a time when the Church was seen as powerful. And as a way to suppress competition; knowledge became occult or hidden. After the dark ages Christianity evolved while doing so they forgot memory and context. They forgot where parables, revelations, and prophecies came from. 

Fast forward to our present moment and our modern world has gone through an apocalypse; meaning a collective uncovering of truth. Which would mean the definition occult no longer applies because it’s no longer hidden – somewhat similar to an exoteric meaning.      

The emergence of a state-cult [old gods awakening] alongside an apocalyptic reveal of truth [due to the information age] can parallel what the mystery-cults felt when they had to fill the dissatisfaction of people with their old religion. The modern parallel lies after the revilement of truth and for those from the far-right as well traditional Christian’s populace; who feel disenchanted with a Christ-Jesus that can’t be proven through historical records – would mean for old gods to awake; their monotheistic singular god must sleep; although this doesn’t have to be the case.  

Before you label me heretic consider that these old gods are just the many Children of Adam(as), which have been explored in the Apocrypha text; Cave of Treasures. Adam the first Anthropos thought thinking itself Christ was the template that inspired the creator-God for the Adam on Earth. I’ve hinted that Adam is the original archetypal modal of Horus then Christ [Logos]. In this regard, old gods can exist amidst the original Logos.

It’s not about the fear of old gods awakening, but about the Celestials of Spirit beings put back into the hierarchal order of things. Non-secularists viewed planets, not as orbital spherical objects, but spiritual entities endowed with their own will. Surrounded by invisible angels or spirits put in place by God as part of the mechanism which weaves together the fabric of the microcosm [lesser world] that is elements, minerals, vegetables, human beings, and so forth.

In the secular view, planets were modelled or based on the old gods that had been stripped of their spirit and magic and given a Darwinian probability model of chance and randomness that would instigate evolution. The North Pole would act as simulacrum while the true north would be many degrees away, just like the earth as the centre of the galaxy would be dislodged from its central place. True north [a concept known to civil and architectural engineers] is fixed and symbolically [also figuratively] and literally linked to the Polaris Star – [also known as the tail of the little bear] represent a transfixed symbolic / star-fixture for the pole of heaven. The little bear symbolizes man’s divine part anchored to the pole of heaven; this is the pledge of eternal stability.

This eternal stability when demystified can be described as a coaxial orbit it’s when all the planets are all in alignment in the one axis. Take that image and filter it back again through myths and you’ll find that this image was one of many arrangements in the sky; there were no orbits just this coaxial stability. Then, something happened, the myth goes Saturn fell and Jupiter would take the reign. Jupiter would then bring the four seasons. Hesiod once described Jupiter as bringing in the harshness of the four seasons, but Saturn maintained one season. . The Polaris star is known as the tail end of the little bear constellation, and Ursa Major the Great bear constellation when depicted in all four seasons makes a svastika symbol.

Saturn or Satan, and also Sut are allegorized as transforming themselves into beasts. This elementary power became embodied in the forms of life below man, as well as in the animal part of man himself. Saturn is also Kronos – the god of time he sits at the top of the celestial hierarchy, while the soulful and fleshly Anthropos sit above Saturn [Kronos] – and the creator-God sits above Saturn.

Saturn or Satan, but more precisely ‘Sut’ is a name given to commemorate cyclic events; usually through carnivals. The derivation of Saturnalia to Satan is about misconceptions when it’s really about recognizing Saturn as the chief of the primary seven powers [the seven planetary soul-garments]. The chief has gone by many names: Sevekh, Seb, Set, Sut, or Satan. In Genesis through Job, it states he was released for the seven periods of the cycle where Horus had to do combat with him. Horus or Iusa (Jesus) in the “house of a thousand years” was the bringer of the millennium, while Sut or Satan was bound for a thousand years, the millennium of peace. Saturnalia and the idea of release from bondage, and its elemental powers represent human nature and both in and out aspect of it. Saturn or Satan and their elemental powers are unbound when god comes into incarnation, and, as Paul shows, they bring sin [time] to birth. In astrology, Saturn is the power that limits or constricts the native. Horus and Sut alternatively bind each other and as often escape bondage. 

The good character of the Saturnian personage is transmogrifications into a “personal devil” to frighten humanity. A misconception in the western mind synthesized for sane comprehension, but ultimately forgotten wisdom. And when it’s forgotten, it’s a motivator for racial tension as well as the hijacking of ideas. That’s why there is a need to control your imagination. Ironically, however, Saturn is your Intuition, as well as understanding, and when you have those; you have imagination.          

Saturn is also associated with the symbol Cube and Yahweh, which has been a staple for conspiracy theory regarding Saturn – that it’s a symbolic representation of Satan, and Saturn having major significance among Jewish theology as well as the secret group ‘the brotherhood of Saturn’. There is an association between Yahweh and Saturn, which is an astrological one. The Sabbath is on Saturday or Saturn-day – also in the secular view they were arguing on the model of the earth; whether it’s at centre or in orbit around the Sun. In the centre model, Saturn is the furthest planet from the centre-earth, and beyond that is the supernal realm where God resides. And everything from Saturn down is the manifest world.  Given our Flat Earth model (this old paradigm made new again) suggests God’s supernal world is just a higher order of the manifest world – given he was exiled from the upper Pleroma. This higher-order, act differently to the manifest, and so can be interpreted as supernal.

Saturn has always been Kronos or (Athoth). The slightly incorrect assumption that it’s Yahweh has a bearing on the Jewish elite that somehow they’re responsible for all the high conspiracy, but Zionism is still favoured among traditional-right Christians. There is certainly a conflict of interest here. The conspiratorial contention [a Gnostic idea] arrives at the notion that the God of the three major Religions, the Creator-God; Yaldabaoth or Demiurge [or, incorrectly Yahweh] is a negative one. And that certain group of the elite has created these mind control type religions where they have indicated a peaceful loving God, but deep inside intuitively think otherwise. This negative God would give a reason for worship that adheres to certain types of rituals and occult practices on the back of that notion.

This worldview is slightly narrow because rituals by secret societies are evident, it’s either in secret or in public – the overt aspect is usually grandiose like in sporting events with a focus on symbolic-intent – a sort of subconscious initiation pact with the viewer, the subtle is found in media in all forms, while the other is false flags.

The brotherhood of Saturn is an extrapolation of what Jews are. The conspiracy of Satanism is added by conspiracy theorists to invoke a symbolic image of a red beast with two horns. There is no evil death cult perpetrated by the Jews – no matter how much paranoid-Christian-conspiracy-theorist claim. They align in the worship of Saturn as an astrological marker – that beyond Saturn is God’s realm and below Saturn becomes more manifest until it reaches the material.         

The Saturnian cult associates itself with the Black Cube; Muslims go to Kaaba then they would go around the Cube in an ant-clockwise position. Essentially depicting the rings of Saturn; Saturn is the black Kaaba. They also wear a cube on their foreheads signifying worship of that altar. Unknown to westerners they also give the same kinds of worship unknowingly – when you graduate and get your degrees you wear a black dress and square hat. These are Saturnian rituals.

It is said souls are released through the rings of Saturn [the wheel of incarnation] at the tropic of Capricorn [represents where the souls descend] and opposite Capricorn is Cancer [where the moon is positioned] is where the souls come in. [Tropic of] Cancer is the gateway of Men and Capricorn is the gateway of the gods. Both of these nodes in the arc of the circle are found in the divine cross – where the ecliptic crosses the equator in the heavens [Gemini and Torus and Sagittarius and Scorpio].  As it turns yearly so does the incarnation process.

Old gods were put to sleep and became planets with materialistic processes instead of a spiritual one. A monotheistic endeavour is a secular endeavour as well. This is a unification model that matches a globalist template. This seems odd considering there is resistance for that amongst republicans who hold their individualism in high importance. Not knowing their religious monotheistic framework is set upon that same unification model, and that is the model engineered by Constantine and heliocentrism afterward.

Protestant symbolic detachment from the Church – which is also a spiritual symbolic detachment of the monad [the Trinity; oneness] means all worship goes through to the Son and His Father [Creator-God] and no other. This is where fundamentalism sits and it metastasizes in the heart of Christians – what Allan Watts called an attempt to put democracy in heaven. Confuse the son of God as the political-Messiah [the boss’s son] from the suffering serpent that was despised and rejected by men. Then, we are asked to follow an impossible gospel. In this detachment, sin is forgiven just as long you follow in Jesus, and so guilt became institutionalized. I take it further and say it was also weaponized like how narcissists use guilt to manipulate. The same process can be found in fundamentalism and conspiracy theory.

An example of this fallacy is found in Christian-fundamentalist-conspiracy-theory types would examine the Cube and equate that the Hexagram symbol can be derived from it. They would then find links to the Star of David in the Israel flag, would then go to its history, and link it to Cabal magical working and link it to Paganism and the New Age. Then, throw in few Bible quotes, and then make associations with Saturn the planet, then link it as well to the Occult, Buddhism, Islam, Theosophy, and Hinduism. The relation to orthodox Judaism and book of Talmud, then include Maimonidean Rationalism, Kabbalistic Mysticism, Chassidic Philosophy, then the link between cabal and occult teachings, throw in King Solomon’s and the book, “history and practice of Magic volume 2,” describe how the seal of Solomon came to be. From this, then outline how the Rothschild started this Zionists movement, and then finish it off, with calling for repentance and accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour.

The fallacy lies in memory and context; the consolidation of groups and philosophies means a conclusion of simplicity. Woke witch hunters use the same process. Ultimately leads to misinformation and contradictions. The Zionist movement has the backing of protestant and evangelical groups and is equal in its enterprise; the group that they speak against is the same group they speak for. The hexagram symbol lives in all of us, and it starts as a fertilized egg in-utero, it splits creating the first pedal in the flower of life, called Vesica Piscis. Then you get an egg of life, draw a male line in each circle of the egg of life you get Metatron’s Cube, and within this Metatron’s Cube, is the Six-Sided Hexagram. This knowledge was once occult, but it’s now common sense as shared knowledge.

Fundamentalist Christians attack occult symbolism as if they have actual power, whereas their priests have no real connection to God. In much the same way; attacking a group that may have tried to overthrow monarchs and oppressive governments … Freemasonry was a way to separate Church and State and depose the king of Europe and create public education. These were radical notions in the 1700s. Freemason was a tool for the serving class originally. Instead, they focus on these types of symbols, and are enamoured with fear and hysteria by those symbols that are misunderstood – and are preoccupied with celebrities covering one of their eyes with their hand. The injustices that they speak for, like a rising police state are mitigated by their lack of action, and are distracted by attacking institutions that did something about it throughout history. Freemasonry and Rosicrucian’s slowed down or reduced the medieval royal families’ power, as well as the Vatican in Europe. And even then, tens of thousands of them would fall victim to slaughter camps with the rise of Hitler.

We know Christian-conspiracy-theory-(fundamentalists)-groups can be Gnostic with a cutoff point. People can either believe that they have mistaken the Demiurge for the True-God or they’re correct and there is nothing beyond the creator-God. This is more of a political move given their motivation. Theology has been called an intellectual wrapping around the spiritual kernel of a religion. If this is true, then it’s also true that most religions are being strangled and stifled by their wrappings. Gnosticism does not run this danger because its worldview is stated in myth rather than in theology.

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