
Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (22):

Occultism and Post-awakening Natures:

Dancing in the Sliding Scales of Ideals: Refers to the natural processes of our amorphic cultural descent – It’s a dance because as much as we know what is going on; we can’t dismiss the fact that there is this other ‘thing’ attached to the effect of those movements. Take for instance the very unrestraint and politically correct [woke-isim] barrage on the entertainment industry notably on writers and directors who have to balance their artistic integrity against an agenda. An agenda run by a group who seems to think they know what ethically correct ideals are. And we know ethics without debate is ethically unsound, and we know there is confusion towards ethics with morality. However, most of the social issues being brought up by woke-isim still need to be addressed with some restraint; otherwise it’s a recipe for disaster. 

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Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (21):

Occultism and Post-awakening Natures:

Image and its Dialectics: There is no doubt that ‘truth’ can be an ambiguous notion, and when it comes to history … notions like ‘facts’ slide between facts and myths. So, adding ‘movement’ after truth as in ‘truth movement is like a wave set to hit the shores of contemporary ideals. We know Christian-conspiracy- theory can be self-defeating, but in a contemporary context, it plays a role in shaping social and political ideals. It’s gnostic, but a debased version of Gnosticism. And often in their absolutism it creates a duality of ideals or dialectic polarity of truth, and can often lead to a perpetual stalemate. All this is a form of an information war waged upon you and is strongly Hegelian, and rationale in its dialectic approach, making no room for the true spiritual Gnostic self.             

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Fundamentalist Christians and its Wrong Approach to Spiritual Teachings (20):

Occultism and Post-awakening Natures:

Occult Traditions and State Religion: After the dark ages, people forgot where they came from, and the only way to know themselves was through the Bible but would be meaningless without the context. This is due to the Church having destroyed a vast network of knowledge. When all the classic works of literature were rediscovered through other nations notably Islamic nations. Places where these works were preserved. People who understood them and translated those works were viewed by Catholic society at the time as sinister – the same can be said with the attitudes in fundamentalism today.

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